Publishing History > Sources in Contemporary Philosophy (Harper & Row) - Book Series List

Sources in Contemporary Philosophy
Publisher: Harper & Row. Country: United States. Date: 1965-72.

Free Will and Determinism by Bernard Berofsky

Harper & Row, 1966 (Sources in Contemporary Philosophy). 379 pages.


Series Note:
"No volume by a single scholar can recreate the incessant dialectic of contemporary philosophic inquiry; hence we are offering a series that is a collaboration of many hands. The present series is intended to provide students, teachers, and interested nonprofessionals with collections of essays in every major problem area of contemporary philosophy. Each volume is devoted to a single set of interconnected issues; each issue is currently that subject of intense philosophic discussion. The editors have been uncompromising in their attempt to bring together essays of great clarity and high technical excellence. Most of the essays were written during the last ten years, some newly written for this series; a number have already become contemporary classics. Each collection is large enough to display a cumulative diversity of viewpoint and detail.

In making relatively inaccessible essays available, this series will enable teachers of philosophy to find strategic or supplementary materials for a wide range of courses. To the student it offers the luxury of possessing essays formerly buried in bound journals or closeted in library reserves. To readers other than teachers and students, the series offers an opportunity to explore contemporary philosophy at first hand. To all readers, it offers original formulations of new ideas and fresh insight into topics of ancient ancestry."

-- Editor's Introduction (in opening pages of each volume) by the series' Consultant Editor, Frank A. Tillman

Arranged alphabetically by title

Epistemology: New Essays in the Theory of Knowledge
Edited by Avrum Stroll, University of California, San Diego. With contributions by David Rynin and others.

Edited by Judith J. Thomson and Gerald Dworkin

Free Will and Determinism
Edited by Bernard Berofsky, Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan

Logic for Philosophers
Edited by Richard L. Purtill [Richard Lawrence Purtill]

Phenomenology and Existentialism
Edited by Robert C. Solomon

Philosophical Analysis and History
Edited by William H. Dray

Philosophy of Mind
Edited by Stuart Hampshire

Philosophy of Religion
Edited by Steven M. Cahn

List of Titles Announced in 1967 as "In Preparation" but Not Published

John Hospers, ed.

Essays in Perception
Alfred Ayer, ed.

Philosophy of Religion
Ninian Smart, ed.

Author of this page: David Paul Wagner

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