The Critical Idiom
Publisher: Methuen. Country: U.K. Date: 1969-85.

Expressionism by R.S. Furness
Published by Methuen & Co Ltd, 1973 (The Critical Idiom, 29)
Series Note: This series of small octavo-sized paperback volumes in pictorial wrappers (and several octavo-sized hardback volumes) was published in London by Methuen in the period 1969-1985.
A similar series, the New Critical Idiom series, was published by Routledge in the years 2007-09.
(A) Arranged alphabetically by title
The Absurd by Arnold P. Hinchliffe
Aestheticism by R. V. Johnson
Allegory by John MacQueen
The Ballad by Alan Norman Bold
Biography by Alan Shelston
Burlesque by John D. Jump
Classicism by Dominique Secretan
Comedy by Moelwyn Merchant
Comedy of Manners by David L. Hirst
The Conceit by K.K. Ruthven
Dada and Surrealism by C. W. E. Bigsby
Drama and the Dramatic by S. W. Dawson
Dramatic Monologue by Alan Sinfield
The Epic by Paul Merchant
Expressionism by R. S. Furness
Fancy and Imagination by R. L. Brett
Farce by Jessica Milner Davis
Genre by Heather Dubrow
The Grotesque by Philip Thomson
Irony by D.C. Muecke (2nd edition published in 1982 as: Irony and the Ironic)
Lyric by David Lindley
Melodrama by James L. Smith
Metaphor by Terence Hawkes
Metre, Rhyme and Free Verse by G. S. Fraser
Modern Verse Drama by Arnold P. Hinchliffe
Modernism by Peter Faulkner
Myth by K. K. Ruthven
Naturalism by Lilian R. Furst and Peter N. Skrine
The Ode by John D. Jump
Pastoral by Peter V. Marinelli
The Picaresque by Harry Sieber
The Pot by Elizabeth Dipple
Primitivism by Michael Bell
Realism by Damian Grant
Rhetoric by Peter Dixon
The Romance by Gillian Beer
Romanticism by Lilian R. Furst
Satire by Arthur Pollard
The Short Story by Ian Reid
The Sonnet by John Fuller
The Stanza by Ernst Haublein
Symbolism by Charles Chadwick
Tragedy by Clifford Leech
Tragicomedy by David L. Hirst
Titles Announced but Not Published
The Elegy
The Emblem
The Gothic
Science Fiction
Structuralism and Semiology

Comedy of Manners by David L. Hirst
Published by Methuen & Co Ltd, 1979 (The Critical Idiom, 40)
(B) Arranged by serial number
1 Tragedy
2 Romanticism
3 Aestheticism
4 The Conceit
5 The Absurd
6 Fancy and Imagination
7 Satire
8 Metre, Rhyme and Free Verse
9 Realism
10 Romance
11 Drama and the Dramatic
12 The Plot
13 Irony (2nd ed. published in 1982 as: Irony and the Ironic)
14 Allegory
15 Pastoral
16 Symbolism
17 The Epic
18 Naturalism
19 Rhetoric
20 Primitivism
21 Comedy
22 Burlesque
23 Dada and Surrealism
24 The Grotesque
25 Metaphor
26 The Sonnet
27 Classicism
28 Melodrama
29 Expressionism
30 The Ode
31 Myth
32 Modern Verse Drama
33 The Picaresque
34 Biography
35 Modernism
36 Dramatic Monologue
37 The Short Story
38 The Stanza
39 Farce
40 Comedy of Manners
41 The Ballad
42 Genre
43 Tragicomedy
44 Lyric

Tragedy by Clifford Leech
Published by Methuen, 1977 (The Critical Idiom, 1)
Paperback. 7x5. 92pp.
FROM THE COVER BLURB: "Professor Leech considers the significance of the term Tragedy as it has been used from classical times to the present day. He gives examples of tragic writing from a wide variety of dramatic literatures and relates theoretical writings on tragedy and the tragedies that have been contemporaneous with them. Free reference is made to critics from Aristotle to these of the present. Special stress is laid on the tragedies of the Greeks, of Renaissance writers and of our immediate contemporaries, notably Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard. There is also discussion of tragic writing in the modern novel."