Publishing History > Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies (Columbia University Press) - Book Series List

Records of Civilization: Sources and Studies
Publisher: Columbia University Press. Country: United States. Date: ---.

Series Note:

Serial Number / Author / Title

5. BEWER. Literature of the Old Testament. 3rd ed.
15. SCOTT. Literature of the New Testament.
16. HADAS. The book of delight.
39. FARRAR. Bibliography of English translations from medieval sources.
45. LEWIS. Roman Civilization. 2 vols.
46. GEWIRTH. Marsilius of Padua: The defender of peace.
-- Vol. I. Marsilius of Padua and medieval political philosophy.
-- Vol. II. Defensor pacis translated with an introduction by A. Gewirth.
47. LOOMIS. Lanzelet: A romance of Lancelot.
48. STAHL. Macrobius' commentary of the dream of Scipio.
51. BRANDT. Recovery of the Holy Land.
52. LOPEZ. Medieval trade in the Mediterranean World.
53. TSCHAN. History of the archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen by Adam of Bremen.
54. DE BARY. Sources of Japanese tradition. 2 vols.
55. DE BARY. Sources of Chinese tradition. 2 vols.
56. DE BARY. Sources of Indian tradition. 2 vols.
57. SHINODA. The founding of the Kamakura shogunate, 1180-1185.
59. McCULLOUGH. The Taiheiki.
60. LATTIN. The letters of Gerbert with his Papal privileges as Sylvester II.
62. ROSENBLUM. Luxorius: A Latin poet among the Vandals.
63. LOOMIS. The Council of Constance: The unification of the church.
64. TAYLOR. The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victor.
65. WATSON. Records of the Grand Historian of China. 2 vols.
66. KEENE. Major plays of Chikamatsu.
67. MOMMSEN & MORRISON. Imperial lives and letters of the eleventh century.
68. CHAN. Instructions for practical living and other Neo-Confucian writings by Wang Yang-ming.
69. LURIER. Crusaders as conquerors: The chronicle of Morea.
70. The Manyoshu.
71. NARASIMHAN. The Mahabharata.
72. BROWN. The Register of Eudes of Rouen.
73. SPINKA. John Hus at the Council of Constance.
74. WATSON. Basic writings of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu, and Han Fei Tzu.
75. CHAN. Reflections on things at hand.
76. YAMPOLSKY. The platform sutra of the Sixth Patriarch; the text of the Tun-Huang manuscript.
77. MORRIS. The pillow book of Sei Shonagon. 2 vols.
78. KEENE. Essays in idleness: The tsurezuregusa of Kenko.
79. DAVIES. The saturnalia of Macrobius.
80. WATSON. The complete works of Chuang Tzu.
81. WAKEFIELD and EVANS. Heresies of the High Middle Ages.
82. WOLOHOJIAN. The Romance of Alexander the Great.

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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