Reclams Universal-Bibliothek
Publisher: Philipp Reclam jun. Country: Germany. Date: 1867- .

Der Gallische Krieg
Gaius Iulius Caesar
Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun., 2008.
(Reclams Universal-Bibliothek)
This is the 2008 issue of the Universal-Bibliothek edition of Julius Caesar's Gallic War (De Bello Gallico).
Series Note: "In 1867..., the Universal-Bibliothek was founded... The format was attractive, the paper was better than most of the other similar publications [i.e. other reprint series]. There were no subscriptions and every dealer could order as many copies of a single or a group of titles as he pleased. Every volume was a complete unabridged work, no anthologies were published, the print was small but legible, and advertising was kept to a minimum, in order to keep the price low enough for everyone to be able to afford to build a library to his taste... During the first ten years eighty titles appeared annually. After forty
years, 5,000 tiles had appeared; and after seventy-five years, 8,000...
The post World War II period found the firm again in operation. Covers were redesigned and modernized. Since 1956 heavier boards have been used for covers, resembling the more expensive American paperback series like 'Anchor Books', but using no illustrations."
-- Frank L. Schick, The Paperbound Book in America: The History of Paperbacks and their European Background. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1958, pp. 30-31
Arranged by serial number
1/1a. Goethe - Faust I. 1949.
2/2a. Goethe - Faust II. 1949.
3/3a. Lessing - Nathan der Weise. 1948.
5. Shakespeare - Romeo und Julia. 1950.
9. Shakespeare - Julius Cäsar. 1950.
10. Lessing - Minna von Barnheim. 1950.
11/11a. Borne - Monographie der deutschen Postschnecke. 1967.
12. Schiller - Wilhelm Tell. 1948.
13. Shakespeare - König Lear. 1950.
15/15a. Schiller - Die Räuber. 1950.
16. Lessing - Miß Sara Sampson. 1958.
17. Shakespeare - Macbeth. 1950.
18/19. Jean Paul - Dr. Katzenbergers Badereise. 1961.
20. Iffland - Die Jäger. 1976.
21. Shakespeare - Othello. 1950.
25. Hoffmann - Das Fräulein von Scuderi. 1952.
26. Shakespeare - Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung. 1952.
27/28. Lessing - Fabeln. 1967.
28. Lessing - Sämtliche Gedichte. 1987.
31. Shakespeare - Hamlet. 1950.
32. Hoffmann - Das Majorat. 1950.
33. Schiller - Kabale und Liebe. 1950.
35. Shakespeare - Der Kaufmann von Venedig. 1951.
37/37a. Lessing - Der junge Gelehrte. 1965.
38/38a. Schiller - Don Carlos. 1950.
39. Shakespeare - Antonius und Cleopatra. 1964.
40. Kleist - Das Käthchen von Heilbronn. 1950.

Faust: Der Tragödie - Zweiter Teil
(short title: Faust II)
By J. W. von Goethe
Berlin: Reclam, 1951
(Reclams Universal-Bibliothek series, 2)