K 350
Publisher: Feltrinelli Editore. Country: Italy. Date: 1966-67.

Chiamata per il morto
by John Le Carré
Translated into Italian from the original English, Call for the Dead, by L. Weiss.
Milan, Feltrinelli Editore, 1966.
Pocket-sized paperback with pictorial cover. 192 pages.
Series Note: K 350 was a series of thrillers published by Feltrinelli in 1966-67.
Serial Number / Title / Title in Original Language / Author
1. Massacro su ordinazione (A Small War Made to Order) - Norman Lewis
2. Blues di Bay City (Bay City Blues) - Raymond Chandler
3. Una barriera di vuoto (The Blank Wall) - Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
4. Chiamata per il morto (Call for the Dead) - John Le Carré
5. Alla morte piace caldo (Death Likes It Hot) - Edgar Box
6. A quattro mani (Composition for Four Hands) - Hilda Lawrence
7. L'enorme ingranaggio (The Big Clock) - Kenneth Fearing
8. A Vienna per Alexandra (Himself Again) - R.E. Pickering
9. Un dito ha un'ombra lunga e nera (The Iron Gates) - Margaret Millar
10. Trappola per Cenerentola (Piège pour Cendrillon) - Sébastien Japrisot
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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