Publishing History > The International Film Guide Series (A. Zwemmer) - Book Series List

The International Film Guide Series
Publisher: A. Zwemmer Limited. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1966-73.
Co-publisher: A. S. Barnes & Co. Country: United States.

British Cinema - Gifford (International Film Guide Series/A. Zwemmer) (image)

British Cinema: An Illustrated Guide to the Leading Players and Directors
Dennis Gifford.
London, A. Zwemmer, 1968 (The International Film Guide Series).
Paperback. Illustrated with black and white photos. Entries are arranged alphabetically. Index to about 5,000 flims. Size: 12mo.

The front cover features Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson in the film Brief Encounter. The back cover features Charles Laughton in The Private Life of Henry VIII and a close-up of Julie Christie.

Series Note: This series was highly praised by the press of its time:

"The International Film Guide Series (...) continues its diligent and heartfelt excursion into the past" -- The San Francisco Examiner, 20 June 1971, p. 164.

" and large an excellent set of small-format books on various genres, film makers and stars" -- The Atlanta Constitution, 21 June 1970, p. 73.

"Ideal for fans and researchers" -- The Los Angeles Times, 2 January 1968, p. 63.

Arranged alphabetically by title

The Animated Film - Ralph Stephenson.
Antonioni, Bergman, Resnais - Peter Cowie.
British Cinema: An Illustrated Guide - Dennis Gifford.
Buster Keaton - J -P Lebel.
Chaplin, Lloyd, Keaton, Langdon - Donald W McCaffrey.
The Cinema of Alain Resnais - Roy Armes.
The Cinema of Carl Dreyer - Tom Milne.
The Cinema of John Frankenheimer - Gerald Pratley.
The Cinema of François Truffaut - Graham Petrie.
The Cinema of Fritz Lang - Paul M. Jensen.
The Cinema of John Ford - John Baxter.
The Cinema of Josef von Sternberg - John Baxter.
The Cinema of Joseph Losey - James Leahy.
The Cinema of Luis Bunuel - Freddy Buache; Peter Graham.
The Cinema of Roman Polanski - Ivan Butler.
The Cinema of Otto Preminger - Gerard Pratley.
A Dictionary of the Cinema - Peter Graham.
Early American Cinema - Anthony Slide and Paul O'Dell.
Early American Film - Anthony Slide and Paul O'Dell.
4 Great Comedians : Chaplin, Lloyd, Keaton, Langdon - Donald W McCaffrey.
French Cinema since 1946: Vol. 1-2. - Roy Armes. [Vol. 1. The Great Tradition. Vol. 2. The Personal Style.]
Griffith and the Rise of Hollywood - Paul O'Dell; Anthony Slide.
Hitchcock's Films - Robin Wood. Peter Cowie, ed.
Hollywood in the Fifties - Gordon Gow.
Hollywood in the Forties - Charles Higham; Joel Greenberg.
Hollywood in the Thirties - John Baxter.
Hollywood in the Twenties - David Robinson.
Hollywood in the Sixties - John Baxter.
Hollywood Today - Pat Billings and Allen Eyles.
The Horror Film - Ivan Butler. Also published as: Horror in the Cinema. 2nd revised edition. by Ivan Butler.
International Film Guide - Roy Armes.
International Film Guide - Peter Cowie.
The Marx Brothers: Their World of Comedy - Allen Eyles.
The Music Film - Douglas McVay.
Religion in the Cinema - Ivan Butler.
Science Fiction in the Cinema: 1895-1970 - John Baxter.
Suspense in the Cinema - Gordon Gow.
Swedish Cinema - Peter Cowie.
Ustinov In Focus - Tony Thomas.
The Western: An Illustrated Guide - Allen Eyles.

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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