Publishing History > Grey Arrow Books (Arrow Books) - Book Series List

Grey Arrow Books
Publisher: Arrow Books. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1958-64.

Fable Shore - Macaulay (Grey Arrow Books/Arrow Books) (image)

Fabled Shore: From the Pyrenees to Portugal
by Rose Macaulay
London, Arrow Books, 1959 (Grey Arrow Books, no. 36).
Paperback. Illustrated with black and white plates.

Series Note: ____

Serial Number / Title / Author or Editor / Publication Date / Other Details

G1. Come to the Opera - Stephen Williams. 1958.
G2. On the Track of Prehistoric Man - Herbert Kuhn. 1958.
G3. The Romantic Poets - Graham Goulden Gough. 1958.
G4. Hypnotism and the Power Within - S. J. Van Pelt. 1961.
G5. The Beginnings of Religion: An Introductory and Scientific Study - Edwin Oliver James. 1958.
G6. The Arabs in History (2nd edition) - Bernard Lewis. 1958.
G7. Talleyrand - Duff Cooper. 1958.
G8. Puccini: Keeper of the Seal - Edward Greenfield. 1958. With portraits and musical examples.
G9. Exploration and Discovery - H. J. Wood. 1958.
G10. The State and Citizen - J. D. Mabbott. 1958.

G11. Great Philosophers of the West - E. W. F. Tomlin. 1959.
G12. Great Philosophers of the East - E. W. F. Tomlin. 1959.
G13. The Story of Medicine - Kenneth Walker. 1959.
G14. Dangerous Estate: The Anatomy of Newsapers - Francis Williams. 1959.
G15. Jane Welsh Carlyle: A Selection of Her Letters - Trudy Bliss, ed. 1959.
G16. The French Revolution - A. [Albert] Goodwin. 1959.
G17. The Making of the Middle Ages - R. W. Southern. 1959.
G18. An Introduction to Zen Buddhism - Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki. Edited by Christmas Humphreys. With a foreword by C. G. Jung. 1959.
G19. The World of Bees - Gilbert Nixon. Illustrated by Arthur Smith. 1959.
G20. Autobiography - G. K. Chesterton. 1959.

G21. Letters of Cicero: Selection in Translation - L. P. Wilkinson, ed. 1959.
G22. Voices from the Past: A Classical Anthology for the Modern Reader (Vol. 1) - James and Janet Maclean Todd. 1963.
G23. Voices from the Past: A Classical Anthology for the Modern Reader (Vol. 2) - James and Janet Maclean Todd. 1963.
G24. Poetry of This Age: 1908-65 - J. M. Cohen. 1959.
G25. Meredith - Siegfried Sassoon. 1959.
G26. The Secret Path, etc. - Paul Brunton. 1959.
G27. The Crime of Ruby McCollum - W. B. Huie [William Bradford Huie]. 1959.
G28. Relax and Live - Joseph Aloysius Kennedy. 1959.
G29. Men in the Shadows, etc. - Stanley Firmin. 1959.
G30. Unsolved Mysteries - Valentine Dyell. With contributions and original research by Larry Forester and Peter Robinson. 1959.

G31. The Americans, etc. - Geoffrey Edgar Solomon Gorer. 1959.
G32. Walls of Jericho - Margaret Wheeler. 1959.
G33. ____
G34. Young Bess - Margaret Irwin. 1960.
G35. The Young Melbourne and the Story of His Marriage with Caroline Lamb - David Cecil. 1962.
G36. Fabled Shore: From the Pyrenees to Portugal - Rose Macaulay. 1959.
G37. The Literature of England, A.D. 500-1960. A Survey of British Literature from the Beginnings to the Present Day. (Fourth edition.) - William James Entwhistle, and Gillett (Eric Walkley). 1962.
G38. English Eccentrics (abridged edition) - Edith Sitwell. 1938.
G39. Tennyson: Aspects of his Life, Character and Poetry - Harold Nicolson. 1960.
G40. Mermaids and Mastodons: A Book of Natural and Unnatural History - Richard Carrington.

G41. The Traveller's Tree: A Journey Through the Caribbean - Patrick Leigh Fermor. 1961. Illustrated by A. Costa.
G42. El Alamein to the River Sangro - Bernard Montgomery. 1960.
G43. The Noble Savage: A Life of Paul Gauguin - Lawrence and Elisabeth Mary Hanson. 1960.
G44. The Living Novel - V. S. Pritchett [Victor Sawdon Pritchett]. 1960.
G45. Hatha Yoga: The Report of a Personal Experience - Theos Bernard. 1960.
G46. Western Mysticism : The Teaching of SS. Augustine, Gregory and Bernard on Contemplation and the Contemplative Life: With After Thoughts - Edward Cuthbert Bulter. 1960.
G47. The Life and Times of Herod the Great - Stewart Perowne. 1960.
G48. Testament of youth : an autobiographical story of the years, 1900-1925 - Vera Brittain. 1962.
G49. To Live and Kill - Stefan Francis Gazel. 1960.
G50. Two Small Ships - Donald Forbes . 1959.

G51. ____
G52. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas - Gertrude Stein. 1960.
G53. First and Last Loves - John Betjeman . With drawings by John Piper. 1960.
G54. ____
G55. ____
G56. Jazz on Record: A Critical Guide - Charles Fox and Alun Morgan. 1960.
G57. ____
G58. Duveen - S. N. Behrmann. 1960.
G59. ____
G60. The Lighthearted Quest - Ann Bridge. 1960.

G61.Fleas, Flukes, and Cuckoos: A Study of Bird Parasites - Miram Rothschild. 1961. Originally published by Collins, 1952.
G62. Isambard Kingdom Brunel: A Biography - L. T. C. Rolt. 1961. With plates, including portraits.
G63. The Unconscious Mind - Kenneth Walker. 1961.
G65. The Best of Saki - Saki. Selected and with an introduction by Graham Greene. 1961.
G66. Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman - A. J. P. Taylor. 1961. A reduced photographic reprint of the edition of 1955. With portraits and a map.
G67. The French Nation: From Napoleon to Petain, 1814-1940 - Denis William Brogan. 1961.
G68. Art - Clive Bell. 1961.
G69. The Unquiet Grave, etc. - Cyril Connolly. 1961. A reduced photographic reprint of the edition of 1951..
G70. England Before Elizabeth - Helen Cam. 1961.

G71. Adventures with My Pets - Alexandre Dumas. Translated from the French original, Histoire de mes bêtes, by A. Craig Bell. 1961.
G72. Julius Caesar - Alfred Leo Duggan. 1961.
G73. Dancing in the Streets - Clifford Hanley. 1961.
G74. Kitchener: Portrait of an Imperialist - Philip Magnus. 1961.
G75. Ants - Julian Huxley. 1962.
G76. The Woman of My Life - Ludwig Bemelmans. 1961. A reduced photographic reprint of the edition of 1957.
G77. American Literature in the Twentieth Century - Heinrich Straumann.
G78. The Story of Life - Harold Edward Leslie Mellersh. 1961. With plates.
G79. ____
G80. Normandy to the Baltic - Bernard Montgomery, of Alamein. 1961.

G81. Dialogue with Death - Arthur Koestler. Translated by Trevor and Phyllis Blewitt. 1961. Extracted from Koestler's Spanish Testament.
G82. The Last Tudor King: A Study of Edward VI: 12 October 1537- 6 July 1553 - Hester W. Chapman. 1961.
G83. ____
G84. A Journey to the Interior - P. H. Newby. 1961.
G85. ____
G86. A Man Against Insanity - Paul Henry De Kruif. 1961.
G87. ____
G88. The Philosophy of Science: An Introduction - Stephen Edelston Toulmin. 1962.
G89. Providence Island. An Archaeological Tale - Jessie Jacquetta Hawkes. 1961.
G90. ____

G91. An Introduction to the English Novel (Vol. 1) - Arnold Kettle. 1962.
G92. An Introduction to the English Novel (Vol. 2) - Arnold Kettle. 1962.
G93. The Fabulous Leonard Jerome - Anita Leslie. 1961.
G94. ____
G95. Lord M., or, The Late Life of Lord Melbourne - David Cecil. 1962. With plates including portraits.
G96. A Mingled Chime: Leaves from an Autobiography - Sir Thomas Beecham. 1961.
G97. ____
G98. The Siege at Peking - Robert Peter Fleming. 1962. With plates.
G99. Science and the Detection of Crime - C. R. M. Cuthbert. 1962.
G100. Pepita - V. Sackville-West. 1961. Biographies of Josefa Duran y Ortega and Victoria, Lady Sackville. With plates, including portraits.

G101. A Sailor's Odyssey: The Autobiography of Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope (Vol. 1). 1961.
G102. A Sailor's Odyssey: The Autobiography of Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope (Vol. 2). 1961.
G103. The Red Rocks of Eddystone - Fred Majdalany. 1962. With plates.
G104. ____
G105. A Cornish Childhood: Autobiography of a Cornishman - A. L. Rowse. 1962.
G106. The Promise - Pearl Buck [Pearl Sydenstricker Buck]. 1961.
G107. Seal Morning - Rowena Farre. 1962.
G108. A Dictionary of Difficult Words, etc. - Robert Hill. 1963.
G109. The Intelligent Agnostic's Introduction to Christianity - Eugene Rolfe. 1963.
G110. Chiaroscuro: Fragments of Autobiography - Augustus John. 1962.

G111. Ants. Illustrated. - Julian Huxley. 1962.
A112. Arrival and Departure: [A Novel] - Arthur Koestler. 1962.
A113. Modern English Painters. Vol.1, Sickert to Grant - John Rothenstein. 1962.
A114. Modern English Painters. Vol. 2, Innes to Moore - John Rothenstein. 1962.
G115. Music on Record: A Critical Guide (Vol. 1) - Peter Gammond with Burnett James. 1962-64.
G116. Music on Record: A Critical Guide (Vol. 2) - Peter Gammond with Burnett James. 1962-64.
G117. The Reading and Writing of English, etc. - Ernest Gordon Biaggini. 1962.
G118. The Shaping Spirit: Studies in Modern English and American Poets - A. Alvarez. 1963.
G119. ____
G120. England and the Italian Renaissance: The Growth of Interest in its History and Art - H. R. Hale. 1963.

G121. ____
G122. Crisis in English Poetry, 1880-1940 - Vivian de Sola Pinto. 1963.
G123. Milton - David Daiches. 1963.
G124. The Age of Absolutism: 1660-1815 - Max Beloff. 1963.
G125. Music on Record: A Critical Guide (Vol. 3) - Peter Gammond with Burnett James. 1962-64.
G126. Music on Record: A Critical Guide (Vol. 4) - Peter Gammond with Burnett James. 1962-64.

Serial Number Still To Be Identified

-- My Face for the World to See - Alfred Hayes. 1960.
-- They Hanged My Saintly Billy - Robert Graves. 1962.
-- Life With Father - Clarence Day. 1961.

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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