Publishing History > Dutton Paperbacks (E. P. Dutton) - Book Series List

Dutton Paperbacks
Publisher: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. Country: United States. Date: 1957- .

Series Note:
This series of "quality" paperbacks was designed for a readership of students, teachers and the educated public. Volumes were assigned the serial numbers DP1, DP2, etc. Each volume was appeared with one of the following phrases on the front panel: "A Dutton Paperback", "A Dutton Paperback Original" or "A Dutton Everyman Paperback".

Arranged by serial number

DP1. Chute - Shakespeare of London.
DP2. Amory - The Proper Bostonians.
DP3. Brooks - The Flowering of New England.
DP4. Plato - The Republic.
DP5. Munthe - The Story of San Michele.
DP6. Pirandello - Naked Masks.
DP7. Lucretius - On the Nature of Things.
DP8. Crèvecoeur - Letters from an American Farmer.
DP9. Allen - The English Novel.
DP10. Sorokin - The Crisis of Our Age.

DP11. ___
DP12. Smith - Smaller Classical Dictionary.
DP13. ___
DP14. Monmouth - History of the Kings of Britain.
DP15. Charques - A Short History of Russia.
DP16. Standen - Science is a Sacred Cow.
DP17. Isaacs - The Background of Modern Poetry.
DP18. Pascal - Pensées.
DP19. Mason - Aucassin and Nicolette and Other Medieval Romances and Legends.
DP20. Warrington - Caesar's War Commentaries.

DP21. Symons - The Symbolist Movement in Literature.
DP22. Melville - Typee and Billy Budd.
DP23. Chute - Geoffrey Chaucer of England.
DP24. Ellman - Yeats: The Man and the Masks.
DP25. Sellar and Yeatman - 1066 and All That.
DP26. Corredor - Conversations with Casals.
DP27. ____
DP28. ____
DP29. Brunton - The Secret Path.
DP30. Villehardouin and de Joinville - Memoirs of the Crusades.

DP31. Ralph - The Story of Our Civilization.
DP32. Stuart - Man With a Bull-Tongue Plow.
DP33. Goodman - History of the Jews.
DP34. ____
DP35. Schurz - The Manila Galleon.
DP36. Cawley - Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays.
DP37. ____
DP38. Estabrooks - Hypnotism.
DP39. Zamiatin - We.
DP40. Kalidasa - Shakuntala and Other Writings.

DP41. Rose - A Handbook of Greek Mythology.
DP42. White - The Unobstructed Universe.
DP43. Gardner - The Art of T. S. Eliot.
DP44. Durrell - Bitter Lemons.
DP45. ____
DP46. Allen - Writers on Writing.
DP47. Rickover - Education and Freedom.
DP48. Landis - World Religions.
DP49. Underhill - Practical Mysticism.
DP50. Dostoyevsky - Notes from Underground and The Grand Inquisitor.

DP51. Wagner - The Ring of the Nibelung.
DP52. Seltman - Approach to Greek Art.
DP53. Woodham-Smith - The Reason Why.
DP54. Weigand - The Modern Ibsen.
DP55. Partridge - Shakespeare's Bawdy.
DP56. Goncharov - Oblomov.
DP57. Blyth - Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics.
DP58. ____
DP59. Richardson - The Prodigal.
DP60. ____

DP61. Koch - Philosophy for a Time of Crisis.
DP62. ____
DP63. Beiser - Physics for Everybody.
DP64. Underhill - The Essentials of Mysticism.
DP65. ____
DP66. Rose - A Handbook of Greek Literature.
DP67. Rose - A Handbook of Latin Literature.
DP68. Beerbohm - And Even Now and A Christmas Garland.
DP69. ____
DP70. ____

DP71. Karsavina - Theatre Street.
DP72. ____
DP73. Underhill - Mysticism.
DP74. Malinowski - Argonauts of the Western Pacific.
DP75. Froissart - Chronicles of England, France, and Spain.
DP76. Cronyn - A Primer on Communism.
DP77. Shaw - Shaw on Shakespeare.
DP78. Durrell - Esprit de Corps and Stiff Upper Lip.
DP79. Manzoni - The Betrothed.
DP80. Durrell - Justine.

DP81. Durrell - Balthazar.
DP82. Durrell - Mountolive.
DP83. Durrell - Clea.
DP84. McDarrah - The Artist's World in Pictures.
DP85. Miller - Russians as People.
DP86. Aksakov - The Family Chronicle.
DP87. Deak - A Dictionary of Colorful French Slanguage and Colloquialisms.
DP88. Richardson - Gallows Humor.
DP89. Whitney - The Communist Blueprint for the Future.
DP90. de Lorris and de Meun - The Romance of the Rose.

DP91. ____
DP92. Pirandello - To Clothe the Naked and Two Other Plays.
DP93. ____
DP94. Ruitenbeek - Psychoanalysis and Existential Philosophy.
DP95. Durrell - Prospero's Cell and Reflections on a Marine Venus.
DP96. Matlaw - Belinsky, Chemyshevsky and Dobrolyubov: Selected Criticism.
DP97. ____
DP98. Bennet - C. G. Jung.
DP99. Racine - Phèdre.
DP100. Durrell - Poetry of Lawrence Durrell.

DP101. ____
DP102. Gorelik - New Theatres for Old.
DP103. Dewey - Schools for Tomorrow.
DP104. Ortmann - The Physiological Mechanics of Piano Technique.
DP105. Freud - Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex.
DP106. ____
DP107. Strindberg - The Chamber Plays.
DP108. Oldsey and Lewis - Visions and Revisions in Modern American Literary Criticism.
DP109. Simeons - Man's Presumptuous Brain.
DP110. Forde - Habitat, Economy and Society.

DP111. Ruitenbeek - Varieties of Classical Social Theory.
DP112. Ruitenbeek - Varieties of Modern Social Theory.
DP113. ____
DP114. ____
DP115. Durrell - The Black Book.
DP116. Auden - Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait.
DP117. Zenkovsky - Medieval Russia's Epics, Chronicles and Tales.
DP118. Riordon - Plunkitt of Tammany Hall.
DP119. Fortune - Sorcerers of Dobu.
DP120. ____

DP121. Croly - The Promise of American Life.
DP122. Rickover - American Education: A National Failure.
DP123. Venturi - History of Art Criticism.
DP124. Ruitenbeek - The Dilemma of Organizational Society.
DP125. Chute and Perrie - The Worlds of Shakespeare.
DP126. Pratt - The Imagist Poem.
DP127. Ruitenbeek - The Problem of Homosexuality in Modern Society.
DP128. Partridge - Dictionary of Clichés.
DP129. Mirsky - Pushkin.
DP130. Lewis - Of Men and Machines.

DP131. Guerard - André Gide.
DP132. Puskin - Eugene Onegin.
DP133. ____
DP134. Durrell - The Dark Labyrinth.
DP135. Goldman and Sprinchorn - Wagner on Music and Drama.
DP136. ____
DP137. Schurz - The New World.
DP138. Gordon - The Story of Troilus.
DP139. Vatsyayana -The Kama Sutra.
DP140. Edel - Henry James: Selected Fiction.

DP141. Jones - The Space Encyclopedia.
DP142. ____
DP143. Hoffman - Samuel Beckett.
DP144. Moore - The World of Lawrence Durrell.
DP145. Ruitenbeek - Psychoanalysis and Literature.
DP146. Utechin - A Concise Encyclopedia of Russia..
DP147. Schurz - Latin America.
DP148. ____
DP149. Durrell and Miller - A Private Correpondence.
DP150. Yevtushenko - A Precocious Autobiography.

DP151. Ruitenbeek - Varieties of Personality Theory.
DP152. Novak - The Future is Ours, Comrade.
DP153. ____
DP154. Partridge - A Book of Essential Quotations.
DP155. Magnus - Gladstone.
DP156. ____
DP157. ____
DP158. Schlissel - The World of Randolph Bourne.
DP159. Taaffe and Wallace - Poems on Poetry.
DP160. Crews - The Pooh Perplex.

DP161. Pratt - The Fugitive Poets.
DP162. Malin - Psychoanalysis and American Fiction.
DP163. ____
DP164. Brooks - New England: Indian Summer.
DP165. Horgan - The Centuries of Santa Fe.
DP166. Blackwood - Tales of Terror and the Unknown.
DP167. Allen - The Modern Novel.
DP168. ____
DP169. Caron - The Old Country Store.
DP170. Beecher - Narrative of the Riots at Alton.

DP171. Seaborg and Valens - Elements of the Universe.
DP172. Stanley and Valens - Viruses and the Nature of Life.
DP173. Wagner - Tristan and Isolde.
DP174. Maxwell - Ring of Bright Water.
DP175. Sellers - The Southerner as American.
DP176. Benedikt and Wellworth - Modern French Theatre.
DP177. Girsewood - Ideas and Beliefs of the Victorians.
DP178. Battcock - The New Art.
DP179. Broughton - Richard the Lion-Hearted and Other Medieval Romances.
DP180. _____

DP181. MacCann - Film: A Montage of Theories.
DP182. ____
DP183. Tarsis - Ward 7.
DP184. McDarrah - Museums in New York.
DP185. Weigel - Lawrence Durrell.
DP186. Gifford - The Literature of Architecture.
DP187. Bolling - House Out of Order.
DP188. Engle - On Creative Writing.
DP190. Harris - The Fine Art of Political Wit.

DP191. Rowsome - The Verse by the Side of the Road.
DP192. Kirby -Happenings.
DP193. Merritt - The Pre-Raphaelite Poem.
DP194. Engelberg - The Symbolist Poem.
DP195. Scullard and van der Heyden - Shorter Atlas of the Classical World.
DP196. Pohl and Zepp - Latin America.
DP197. Segel - The Literature of Eighteenth-Century Russia, Vol. I.
DP198. Segel - The Literature of Eighteenth-Century Russia, Vol. II.
DP199. Pekelis - A Dictionary of Colorful Italian Idioms.
DP200. Battock - The New American Cinema.

DP201. Thomas of Britain - The Romance of Tristram and Ysolt.
DP202. Norman - E. E. Cummings.
DP203. Gifford and Seldman - Notes for Joyce.
DP204. Davis - The World of Black Humor.
DP205. Matlaw - The Black Crook and Other Nineteenth-Century American Plays.
DP206. Weinberg - Josef von Sternberg.
DP207. Renan - An Introduction to the American Underground Film.
DP208. Krasney - Careers and Opportunites in International Service.
DP209. Turco - The Book of Forms.
DP210. Schlissel - Conscience in America.

DP211. Battock - Minimal Art.
DP212. Blofeld - I Ching (The Book of Change).
DP213. Hardwick - The Charles Dickens Companion.
DP214. Krim - Views of a Nearsighted Cannoneer.
DP215. Benedikt and Wellworth - Postwar German Theatre.
DP216. Kerr - Pieces at Eight.
DP217. Reum and Mattran - Politics from the Inside Up.
DP218. Bendiner - Just Around the Corner.
DP219. Todd and Weisbord - Favorite Subjects in Western Art.
DP220. Guthrie - Bound for Glory.

DP221. Weinberg - The Lubitsch Touch.
DP222. Westerman - The Opera Guide.
DP223. Ziegler - At the Court at Versailles.
DP224. Radcliffe - Beethoven's String Quartets.
DP225. Magnus - Kitchener.
DP226. Calas - Art in the Age of Risk.
DP227, Sarris - The American Cinema.
DP228. Evans - B. F. Skinner.
DP229. Mussman - Jean-Luc Godard.
DP230. Meerloo - Suicide and Mass Suicide.

DP231. Segal - The Trilogy of Alexander Sukhova-Koblyin.
DP232. Smith - Best Plays from Off-Off Broadway.
DP233. Williams - Outlaw Blues.
DP234. Zahn - German Catholics and Hitler's Wars.
DP235. Alexandre - Viva Che!
DP236. Benedikt and Wellworth - Modern Spanish Theatre.
DP237. Evans - Psychology and Arthur Miller.
DP238. Nash - Ideas of History, Vol. I.
DP239. Nash - Ideas of History, Vol. II.
DP240. Kirby - Total Theatre.

DP241. Kirby - The Art of Time.
DP242. Gurdjieff - Meetings with Remarkable Men.
DP243. Lippard - Changes: Essays in Art Criticism.
DP244. Bosquet - Conversations with Dali.
DP245. Buck - Cosmic Consciousness.
DP246. Evans - Dialogue with Erik Erikson.
DP247. Damon - Blake's Job.
DP248. Palter - Toward Modern Science.
DP249. Battcock - The New Music.
DP250. McCartney - Yoga: The Key to Life.

DP251. Denoso and Henklin - TriQuarterly Anthology of Contemporary Latin American Literature.
DP252. Balakian - Surrealism: The Road to the Absolute.
DP253. Bovie - Five Roman Comedies.
DP254. Samberg - Fire!
DP255. Campbell - Myths, Dreams, and Religion.
DP256. James - Essays in Radical Empiricalism and A Pluralistic Universe.
DP257. Jopling - Art and Aesthetics in Primitive Societies.
DP258. Obsborne - Aesthetics and Art Theory.
DP259. Krueger - The American Musical Film.
DP260. Arndt - Puskkin Threefold.

DP261. Shah - The Way of the Sufi.
DP262. Shah - Tales of the Dervishes.
DP263. Youngblood - Expanded Cinema.
DP264. Van Peursen - Leibnitz.
DP265. Can Peursen - Ludwig Wittgenstein.
DP266. Fetterman - Stinking Creek.
DP267. Hamburger - Contraries: Studies in German Literature.
DP268. McDermott - Radhakrishnan: Selected Writings on Philosophy, Religion and Culture.
DP269. Borges - Dreamtigers.
DP270. Blofeld - The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet.

DP271. Meyer and Brunelle - Art/Anti-Art.
DP272. Brooks - The Ordeal of Mark Twain.
DP273. Brooks - Three Essays on America.
DP274. Blau - Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris.
DP275. Gessner - The Moving Image.
DP276. Mandel - Five Comedies of Medieval France.
DP277. Battcock - The Figurative Tradition in Modern Art.
DP278. Gattegno - Towards a Visual Culture.
DP279. Ormsby and Myers - Catullus: Complete Poems for the American Reader.
DP280. Kirby - Futurist Performance.

DP281. Johnston - Not in Broad Daylight.
DP282. Evans - Gordon Allport.
DP283. Cannon - Ovid's Heroides.
DP284. Skoller - Dreyer: A Critical Study.
DP285. Calas - Icons and Images of the Sixties.
DP286. Battcock - Herbert Marcuse and Anti-Art.
DP287. Aurobindo - The Mind of Light.

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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)

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