Publishing History > College Outlines (Barnes & Noble) - Book Series List

College Outlines
Publisher: Barnes & Noble. Country: United States. Date: 1930s-1991.

The Bible as Literature (Buckner B. Trawick) (College Outlines) (Barnes & Noble) (image

The Bible as Literature: Old Testament History and Biography
by Buckner B. Trawick
Barnes & Noble, 1963 (College Outlines). Paperback. 182 pages.

Series Note:

(A) Philosophy, Religion

Philosophers, Ideas of the Great
Philosophy: An Introduction
Philosophy, Handbook in the History of
Philosophy, Readings in
Religions of the World

Basic Logic
Modern Logic
History of Philosophy

Ethics: An Introduction to Theories and Problems

(B) Art, Drama, Music

History of Art
History of Music
Introduction to Music
Music Theory
Outlines of Shakespeare’s Plays
Play Productions
Plot Outlines of Shakespeare’s Histories

Art and Anatomy
Introduction to Opera
Plot Outlines of 100 Plays

(C) Literature

(i) American Literature
American Literature
Guide to American Literature: From Its Beginnings through Walt Whitman
Guide to American Literature: From Emily Dickinson to the Present

(ii) English Literature
Handbook of English Literature
Guide to English Literature: From Beowulf through Chaucer and Medieval Drama
Outline-History of English Literature since Milton
Outline-History of English Literature to Dryden
Guide to Shakespeare

(iii) World Literature (exc. Amer. or Eng. Lit.)
World Literature, Vol. I: Greek, Roman, Oriental and Medieval Classics
World Literature, Vol. II: Italian, French, Spanish, German and Russian Literature
Outline-History of German Literature

(iv) Bible as Literature
Bible as Literature: The Old Testament and the Apocrypha
Bible as Literature: The New Testament

(v) Miscellaneous
Plot Outlines of 100 Novels

(D) History, Political Science

American Government 170
Ancient History 1
Constitution of the United States 188
History of England 188
History of Europe, 1500-1848 152
History of Europe since 1815 12
History of Russia 169
Political Science 178
State and Local Government 181
United States since 1865 168
United States to 1877 29
Western Civilization since 1500 111
Western Civlization to 1500 110

American, Colonial and Revolutionary History
American History at a Glance
American Historical Documents
Ancient, Medieval and Modern History
International Relations
Middle Ages, History of
Political Ideas of the American Revolution
United States to 1865
Western Civlization (2 vols.)
World History at a Glance
World since 1914, History of

American Politics, Dictionary of

History of the World since 1918
History of the Far East
Latin American History
Survey of Ancient, Medieval and Modern History
Twentieth-Century Civilization

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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)

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