Publishing History > Ann Arbor Paperbacks (University of Michigan Press) - Book Series List

Ann Arbor Paperbacks
Publisher: University of Michigan Press. Country: United States. Date: Mid-1950s- .

Scenes from a Bathhouse - Zoshchensky (Ann Arbor Paperbacks) (Univ. of Michigan Press) (image)

Scenes from a Bathhouse
and Other Stories of Communist Russia
by Mikhail Zoshchenko.
"Uproariously funny stories that give a behind-the-scenes look at daily life in the Soviet Union of Zoshchenko's time." Translated by S. Monas.

University of Michigan Press, 1959, 1962 (Ann Arbor Paperbacks, AA 70).
Paperback. 272 pages. Size: 220 x 140 x 50 mm.

Series Note:

Arranged by serial number

AA 1. The Writer and His Craft - Cowden.
AA 2. Elizabethan Plays and Players - Harrison.
AA 3. The Intellectual Milieu of John Dryden - Bredvold.
AA 4. The Southern Frontier, 1670-1732 - Crane.
AA 5.
AA 6. Richard Crashaw - Warren.
AA 7.
AA 8. The Desert Fathers - Waddell.
AA 9. Stonewall Jackson - Tate.
AA 10. Church, State, and Education - Barker.

AA 11. Literature and Psychology - Lucas.
AA 12. This Was a Poet: Emily Dickinson - Whicher.
AA 13. Thomas Jefferson - Chinard.
AA 14. The Expanding Universe - Waddington.
AA 15. The Nature of the Physical World - Eddington.
AA 16. Shakespeare at Work, 1592-1603 - Harrison.
AA 17. Six Theosophical Points and Other Writings - Boehme.
AA 18. Thomas More - Chambers.
AA 19. Physics and Philosophy - Jeans.
AA 20. The Philosophy of Physical Science - Eddington.

AA 21. The Puritan Mind - Schneider.
AA 22. The Greek View of Life - Dickinson.
AA 23. The Praise of Folly - Erasmus.
AA 24. Man's Place in Nature - Huxley.
AA 25. The New Background of Science - Jeans.
AA 26. Ronsard: Prince of Poets - Bishop.
AA 27. Life in a Noble Household - Scitt Thomson.
AA 28. Antislavery Origins of the Civil War in the United States - Dumond.
AA 29. New Pathways in Science - Eddington.
AA 30. Devotions - Donne.

AA 31. Population: The First Essay - Malthus.
AA 32. The Song of Roland - Scott Montcrieff (trans.).
AA 33. Rage for Order - Warren.
AA 34. The Origin of Russian Communism - Berdyaev.
AA 35. The Life of Charlemagne - Einhard.
AA 36. New Bearing in English Poetry - Leavis.
AA 37. The Nature of True Virtue - Edwards.
AA 38. Heloise and Abelard - Gilson.
AA 39.
AA 40. The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII-Century England - Monk.

AA 41. The Mind of Plato [originally: Plato] - Taylor.
AA 42. Metaphysics - Aristotle.
AA 43. Literature and Revolution - Trotsky.
AA 44. Anthropology - Taylor.
AA 45. Education - Kant.
AA 46. The Art of Literature - Schopenhauer.
AA 47. The Image - Boulding.
AA 48. Frustration - Maier.
AA 49. The Gateway to the Middle Ages: Italy - Duckett.
AA 50. The Gateway to the Middle Ages: France and Britain - Duckett.

AA 51. The Gateway to the Middle Ages: Monasticism - Duckett.
AA 52. Auguste Comte and Positivism - Mill.
AA 53. Voices of the Industrial Revolution - Bowditch.
AA 54. Hobbes - Stephen.
AA 55. The Russian Revolution - Berdyaev.
AA 56. Terrorism and Communism - Trotsky.
AA 57. The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? - Luxemburg.
AA 58. Sebastopol - Tolstoi.
AA 59. The Fate of Man in the Modern World - Berdyaev.
AA 60. The Study of Sociology - Spencer.

AA 61. The Reformation of the 16th Century - Beard.
AA 62. A History of Business, Vol. I - Beard.
AA 63. Poems from the Greek Anthology - Rexroth.
AA 64. The Satyricon - Petronius.
AA 65. A Preface to Politics - Lippmann.
AA 66. From Hegel to Marx - Hook.
AA 67. World Communism - Borkenau.
AA 68. Aubrey's Brief Lives - Aubrey.
AA 69. The Myth of the Ruling Class - Meisel.
AA 70. Scenes from the Bathhouse - Zoshchenko.

AA 71. Carolingian Art - Hinks.
AA 72. The Merchant Class of Medieval London - Thrupp.
AA 73. Karl Marx - Mehring.
AA 74. Capitalism in Amsterdam in the 17th Century - Barbour.
AA 75. Jean-Paul Sartre - Greene.
AA 76. A History of Business, Vol. II - Beard.
AA 77. The Spanish Cockpit - Borkenau.
AA 78. The Hero in America - Wecter.
AA 79. Thucydides - Finley.
AA 80. Secret History - Procopius.

AA 81. The Loyalties of Robinson Jeffers - Squires.
AA 82. Milton's Knowledge of Music - Spaeth.
AA 83. Marxism: The Utility of Theory and Practice - Meyer.
AA 84. Youthful Offenders at Highfields: An Examination of the Effects of Short-term Treatment of Delinquent Boys - Weeks.
AA 85. The Complete Poetry - Catullus.
AA 86. Laissez Faire and the General-Welfare State - Fine.
AA 87. The Cloud Messenger - Kalidasa.
AA 88. Roman Political Ideas and Practice - Adcock.
AA 89. The Interior Distance - Poulet.
AA 90. The Meaning of Marxism - Cole.

AA 91. The Bow and the Lyre: The Art of Robert Browning - King.
AA 92. Religion and the State University - Walter.
AA 93. The Birth of the Gods: The Origin of Primitive Beliefs - Swanson.
AA 94. Poetry and Politics Under the Stuarts - Wedgwood.
AA 95. Anabasis: The March Upcountry - Xenophon.
AA 96. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat - Kautsky.
AA 97. Language, Thought, and Culture - Henle.
AA 98. Montesquieu and Rousseau - Durkheim.
AA 99. The New Course - Trotsky.
AA 100. The Calculus of Consent - Buchanan and Tulloch.

AA 101. Contemporary French Poetry - Aspel and Justice.
AA 102. To the Young Writer - Bader.
AA 103. Imperialism - Hobson.
AA 104. Reflections of a Russian Statesman - Pobedonostsev.
AA 105. Free Society and Moral Crisis - Angell.
AA 106. Edmund Burke and the Natural Law - Stanlis.
AA 107. The Indians of the Western Coast Lakes, 1615-1760 - Kinietz.
AA 108. Writing for Business - Bromage.
AA 109. Mountain Wolf Woman, Sister of Crashing Thunder: The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian - Lurie.
AA 110. Baroque Times in Old Mexico: Seventeenth Century Persons,
Places, and Practices
- Leonard.

AA 111. The Age of Attila: Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians - Gordon.
AA 112. The ABC of Communism - Berdyaev.
AA 113. Chekhov and Other Essays - Shestov.
AA 114. Imperial Germany and the Industrial Revolution - Veblen.
AA 115. Civil Liberties and the Constitution - Kauper.
AA 116. Greek Orations: Lysias, Isocrates, Demosthenes, Aeschines, Hyperides - Connor.
AA 117. The Story of the Iliad - Owen.
AA 118. Negro Thought in America, 1880-1915: Racial Ideologies in the Age of Booker T. Washington - Meier.
AA 119. The Political Ideas of the English Romanticists - Brinton.
AA 120. William Penn: A Biography - Peare.

AA 121. The Philosophy of Edmund Burke: A Selection from His Writings - Burke.
AA 122. Joan of Arc - Michelet.
AA 123. Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies - Santayana.
AA 124. Seedtime of Reform: American Social Service and Social Action, 1918-1933 - Chambers.
AA 125. The Structure of Complex Words - Empson.
AA 126. Lectures on the Principles of Political Obligation - Green.
AA 127. Organized Crime in America: A Book of Readings - Tyler.
AA 128. Can These Bones Live - Dahlberg.
AA 129. Buddhist Thought in India - Conze.
AA 130. Aspects of Islamic Civilization - Arberry.

AA 131. Problems of the Chinese Revolution - Trotsky.
AA 132. Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader - Rajan.

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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