Publishing History > The Scribner Library (Charles Scribner's Sons) - Book Series List

The Scribner Library
Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons. Country: United States. Date: 1949- .

The Great Gatsby (The Scribner Library) (image)

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953 (The Scribner Library, SL 1)
Paperback. 182 pages,

Series Note: ____

Arranged by serial number

SL1. The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1853; 1960.
SL2. Tender is the Night - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1962. 1964.
SL3. The Man of Property - John Galsworthy. 1949.
SL4. For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ernest Hemingway. 1968.
SL5. The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway.
SL6. The Aeneid of Virgil - Virgil. Rolfe Humphries. 1951.
SL7. Cry, the Beloved Country - Alan Paton. 1948.
SL8. Ethan Frome - Edith Wharton. 1939.
SL9. Look Homeward, Angel: A Story of the Buried Life - Thomas Wolfe. 1957; 1965.
SL10. The Art of the Novel: Critical Prefaces - Henry James; Richard P Blackmur. 1969.

SL11. A Short View of Elizabethan Drama, Together with Some Account of its Principal Playwights and the Conditions Under which It was Produced - Thomas Marc Parrott and Robert Hamilton Ball. 1958.
SL12. Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930 - Edmund Wilson. 1969.
SL13. Slavery and Freedom - Nicolai Berdyaev. 1944; 1969.
SL14. The Master: A Life of Jesus Christ - W. R. Bowie.
SL15. I and Thou. With a Postscript by the Author Added. Martin Buber. Translated by Ronald Gregor Smith. 1958.
SL16. Jesus and the Word - R. Bultmann.
SL17. Protestant Christianity: Interpreted Through its Development - John Dillenberger; Claude Welch. 1958.
SL18. The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness: A Vindication of Democracy and a Critique of its Traditional Defense - Reinhold
Niebuhr. 1961.
SL19. Guide to the Christian Faith - W. A. Spurrier.
SL20. The New Being - Paul Tillich. 1955.

SL21. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Max Weber. 1958.
SL22. Babylon Revisited, and Other Stories - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1971.
SL23. The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel - George Santayana. c. 1964.
SL24. The Conscience of the Rich - Sir Charles Percy Snow. 1983.
SL25. My Early Life: A Roving Commission - Winston Churchill. 1930; 1958.
SL26. From Immigrant to Inventor - Michael Pupin. 1960.
SL27. Thorstein Veblen: A Critical Interpretation - David Riesman.
SL28. Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics - Reinhold Niebuhr. 1960.
SL29. Psychotherapy and a Christian View of Man - David Everett Roberts. 1959.
SL30. The Shaking of the Foundations - Paul Tillich. 1940.

SL31. Of Lena Geyer - Marcia Davenport. 1936.
SL32. The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories - Ernest Hemingway. 1964.
SL33. The New Men (Strangers and Brothers, #6) - C. P. Snow. 1967.
SL34. T. S. Eliot: The Design of his Poetry - Elizabeth Drew. 1961.
SL35. Problems of Art: Ten Philosophical Lectures - Susanne Katherina Knauth Langer. 1961.
SL36. Christianity and History - Herbert Butterfield. 1950.
SL37. Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages - Etienne Gilson. 1966.
SL38. Beyond Tragedy: Essays on the Christian Interpretation of History - Reinhold Niebuhr. 1938.
SL39. _____
SL40. The Yearling - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. 1970.

SL41. The House of Mirth - Edith Wharton. Introduction by Irving Howe.
SL42. William Shakespeare: A Handbook - Thomas Marc Parrott. 1955.
SL43. Albert Einstein: His Work and its Influence on Our World - Leopold Infeld. c. 1955.
SL44. The Thread that Runs So True - Jesse Stuart.
SL45. Good and Evil, Two Interpretations: I. Rght and Wrong - Martin Buber. 1953.
SL46. The Christian Scholar in the Age of the Reformation - E. Harris Harbison. 1956; 1965.
SL47. The Range of Reason - Jacques Maritain. 1952.
SL48. The Nature of Natural History - Marston Bates. With a new preface by Henry S. Horn.
SL49. _____
SL50. Green Hills of Africa - Ernest Hemingway. 1935.

SL51. A Small Boy and Others - Henry James. 1941.
SL52. Abe Lincoln in Illinois: A Play in Twelve Scenes - Robert E. Sherwood. 1939; 1962.
SL53. Haircut and Other Stories. - Ring Lardner. 1961.
SL54. The Affair - Charles Percy Snow. 1960.
SL55. _____
SL56. In Our time: Stories - Ernest Hemingway. 1958.
SL57. Our Knowledge of God - J. Baillie.
SL58. The Irony of American History - Reinhold Niebuhr. c. 1962.
SL59. _____
SL60. This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1970.

SL61. A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway.
SL62. The Custom of the Country - Edith Wharton. 1941.
SL63. _____
SL64. Oswald Spengler: A Critical Estimate - H Stuart Hughes. 1962.
SL65. _____
SL66. _____
SL67. Between Planets - Robert A. Heinlein. 1951; 1962.
SL68. _____
SL69. _____
SL70. _____

SL71. The Greene Murder Case: A Philo Vance Story - S. S. Van Dine. 1956.
SL72. Credo - Karl Barth; James Strathearn MacNab. 1962.
SL73. Jesus Christ and Mythologie - Rudolf K Bultmann. 1971.
SL74. Beyond Anxiety: The Christian Answer to Fear, Frustration, Guilt, Indecision, Inhibition, Loneliness, Despair - James A. Pike. 1953.
SL75. _____
SL76. _____
SL77. _____
SL78. The Ramayana As Told by Aubrey Menen - Aubrey Menen. 1954.
SL79. Too Late the Phalarope - Alan Paton. 1953.
SL80. _____

SL81. The Art of Thomas Wolfe - Pamela Hansford Johnson. 1963.
SL82. Where Winter Never Comes - Marston Bates. 1963.
SL83. Animal Navigation - J. D. Carthy. 1956.
SL84. _____
SL85. _____
SL86. _____
SL87. Our Faith - Emil Brunner; John William Rilling. 1953.
SL88. _____
SL89. Christianity among the Religions of the World - A. Toynbee.
SL90. The Beautiful and Damned - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 1950.

SL91. The Golden Warrior: The Story of Harold and William - Hope Muntz.
SL92. The Light and the Dark - C. P. Snow.
SL93. Roman Fever, and Other Stories - Edith Wharton. 1964.
SL94. Persons and Places - George Santayana.
SL95. Scott Fitzgerald: A Biography - Andrew Turnbull. 1962.
SL96. Art and Scholasticism, and The Frontiers of Poetry - Jacques Maritain. 1962.
SL97. The Nature and Destiny of Man: A Christian Interpretation. Vol. I. - Reinhold Niebuhr. 1964.
SL98. The Nature and Destiny of Man: A Christian Interpretation. Vol. II. - Reinhold Niebuhr. 1964.
SL99. Two and the Town - George Gregor Felsen.
SL100. Red Planet: A Colonial Boy on Mars - Robert A. Heinlein; Clifford N. Geary. 1949.


SL111. God Was In Christ - D.M. Baillie.
SL112. The Mind of the Catholic Layman.
SL114. The Eternal Now - P. Tillich.

SL124. From Tradition to Gospel - M. Dibelius.
SL125. Man’s Quest for God - A. J. Heschel [cf. God in Search of Man (Harper Torchbooks)]
SL127. The Parables in the “ “ - C. H. Dodd.
SL128. Honesty in the Church - D. Callahan.
SL129. The State in the New Testament - O. Cullmann.

Credit: John A. Mellman supplied some of the bibliographic information used for the above listing.

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