Publishing History > Meridian Giants (World Publishing Co.) - Book Series List

Meridian Giants
Publisher: The World Publishing Company. Country: United States. Date: ---.

Series Note:

Arranged by serial number

MG1. Mysticism - Evelyn Underhill
MG2. Medieval Panorama - G. G. Coulton.
MG3. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion - Jane Harrison.
MG4. My Life in Art - Constantin Stanislavski.
MG5. The Romantic Agony - Mario Praz.
MG6. Philosophies of India - Heinrich Zimmer.
MG7. Plato: The Man and His Work - A. E. Taylor.
MG8. France Against Herself - Herbert Luethy.
MG9. The Literature of the Spanish People - Gerald Brennan.
MG10. Film Form and Film Sense - Sergei Eisenstein.

MG11. Literature in America - Philip Rahv, ed.
MG12. The Dissocation of a Personality - Morton Prince.
MG13. A Treasury of Yiddish Stories - Irving Howe and Eliezer Greenberg.
MG14. Chinese Civilization - Marcel Granet.
MG15. The Origins of Totalitarianism - Hannah Arendt.
MG16. The Philosophy of Spinoza - Harry Austryn Wolfson.
MG17. The Man of the Renaissance - Ralph Roeder.
MG18R. New York Places & Pleasures: Revised Edition - Kate Simon.
MG19. The Place of Value in a World of Facts - Wolfgang Kohler.
MG20. From the N.R.F. - Justin O'Brien, ed.

MG21. Jail Keys Made Her and Other Signs. Photographs by Lee Boltin.
MG22. Frank Lloyd Wright: Writings and Buildings. Selected by Edgar Kagmann and Ben Raeburn.
MG23. The Childhood of Man - Leo Frobenius.
MG24. The Mystic Rose - Ernest Crawley.
MG25. Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (Concise Edition).
MG26A. A History of the Early Church, Vol. I - Hans Lietzmann.
MG26B. A History of the Early Church, Vol. II - Hans Lietzmann.
MG27. Folksongs and Footnotes: An International Songbook - Theodore Bikel.
MG28. The Soul Afire - H. A. Rienhold, ed.
MG29. An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament - S. R. Driver.
MG30. Early Greek Philosophy - John Burnet.

MG31. Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire - Julius Wellhausen.
MG32. The History of Rome - Theodor Mommsen.
MG33. The New Architecture of Europe: An Illustrated Guidebook and Appraisal - G. E. Kidder Smith.
MG34. A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities - Oscar Seyffert.
MG35. Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel - Julius Wellhausen.
MG36. A History of Aesthetic - Bernard Bosanquet.
MG37. An Encyclopedia of Religion and Religions - E. Royston Pike.
MG38. Clear Writing - Leo Kirschbaum.
MG39. The Federalist - Jacob E. Cooke, ed.
MG40. French Philosophers from Descartes to Sartre - Leonard M. Marsak, ed.

MG41. Science and Technology Stocks: A Guide for Investors - Grant Jeffery.
MG42. The Plays of Christopher Marlowe - Leo Kirschbaum, ed.
MG43. Love and Death in the American Novel - Leslie A. Fiedler.
MG44. The Essene Writings of the Qumran - A. Dupont-Sommer.
MG45. ---
MG46A, MG46B. The Varieties of Economics - Robert Lekachman, ed.
MG47. Hornbook for the Double Damned - Samuel Milton Elam.

Source of the above list:
The Origins of Totalitarianism - Hannah Arendt
Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1962 (Meridian Books/Meridian Giants, MG 15).

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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