Publishing History > The Lives Series (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) - Book Series List

Lives series
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Country: U.K. Date: 1999- .

Proust by Edmund White (Lives) (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) (image)

Proust by Edmund White

London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999 (Lives)

About this book: "This life of Marcel Proust will send readers back to Proust's classic Remembrance of Things Past. To those who have never read it, or to those who have previously tried and failed, Edmund White's evocation of Proust's life and work will be the guide. White has a psychologist's appreciation for the strange personality of this charismatic genius. We see Proust the recluse who lay in bed all night long in his cork-lined room, obsessively rewriting his one massive work - but we also see the yearning, lonely boy, the brilliant wit and socialite, the ambitious grasper after honours, and the miserably closeted homosexual. White, the author of an award-winning biography of Jean Genet and of the classic gay novel A Boy's Own Story, is uniquely suited to write this book, and Proust is currently enjoying a renaissance."

About the biographer: "Edmund White, the author of 13 books, was made a Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres. In the US he was awarded the National Book Critics Circle Award for Genet: A Biography." -- Publisher's blurb

Series Note:
"Succinct and superbly written biographies which distil the essence of each life by authors with a passion for their subjects" (Publisher blurb)

Saint Augustine - Garry Wills

Marlon Brando - Patricia Bosworth

Buddha - Karen Armstrong

Andrew Carnegie - Paul Johnson

Chekhov - Janet Malcolm

Crazy Horse - Larry McMurtry

Dante - R. W. B. Lewis

Dickens - Jane Smiley

Joan of Arc - Mary Gordon

James Joyce - Edna O'Brien

Mao - Jonathan Spence

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Marshall Frady

Leonardo da Vinci - Sherwin Nuland

Mozart - Peter Gay

Proust - Edmund White

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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